
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Meana's Speech on Cyber Smart

This my speech final video we had three finalist which was me Sylvia and Athens I did my speech on Cyber Smart Sylvia did hers on YouTube and Athens did hers on fears.


  1. Hi Meana , Your speech was well set out and I really love how you added humor to it . Do you have anymore tips about cyber smart and how it affects us .

  2. Hi Meana , Your speech was well set out and I really love how you added humor to it . Do you have anymore tips about cyber smart and how it affects us .

  3. Hey Meana, too bad you didn't come first but at least you done your best and and your friend came first. Are your parents proud of you?

  4. Kia Ora Sophie
    Thank you for the comment I actually do not have anymore tips about cyber safety
    Do you have anything you want to share about your speech?
    From Meana

  5. Hola Harris
    Thank you for the comment I think Athens did do better than me but at least I came 2nd for the speech finals. What do think I could if done to make it surprising?
    From Meana
