I am a Year 8 student at Ruapotaka School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mrs Golder.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Testing Is Finally Over!!! π
Today is the day where assessments are all over! After 7 weeks of thinking and focusing their is now nothing to worry about. Since we only have 3 more weeks of school their is other things to think about like Athletics, Saint Kent's Day, Cultural Groups and lastly Christmas Holidays!!
Thursday, 17 November 2016
3, 2, 1 Action!!!
Last week we went to the Manaikalani Film Festival for 2016. Once we arrived at the movies we had to wait for all the other schools to exit. It was weird not seeing Pt England and Stonefields in our cinema. Instead we had Glenn Innes, Tamaki College and a Maori school called Te Kura Kaupapa Maori. There were so many great films at the movies especially our movie, The Focuser. I thought that all the schools in our cinema did a very good job creating awesome movies.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Mrs Pine's Math Lesson!
A few weeks ago Mrs Pine came in for a maths lesson on statistics. Some students from Rooms 11 and Room 12 had a maths lesson with Mrs Pine and the rest were with Mrs Vickers. We were told to split into four groups. In my group were myself, Marantha, Sione, Athens and Meafou. It was very frustrating because no one in our group knew what to do especially me but I thought they all did a very good job sharing their ideas.
Room 11,
Room 12,
Ruapotaka 2016,
Friday, 4 November 2016
Our Reading Test Is Today!!!
Tuesday was our Reading Comprehension test day for 2016. All the year 7's were split into Mr Reid's class and the year 8's were in Mrs Golder's. As I looked around the classroom I could see everyone wasn't ready even me. When Mr Reid handed out the pamphlets and answer sheets I started to feel very nervous. Once we started I slowly opened my pamphlet and I already knew half of the questions. Hopefully I passed.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Our Syndicate Assembly
Last week our class hosted the senior syndicate assembly. I thought that it would take a lot of work and time to prepare our assembly but I was wrong. It only took one day to plan this whole item even though we didn't get as much time we needed. After all that practising and memorising we finally worked it out.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Our Experience At Botanic Gardens
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Back To School!!!
Yesterday was our first day back at school for Term 4. Everyone was happy to see all their friends again especially me. When the bell rang, instead of doing our daily fitness like we usually do we transferred all our resources from Room 8A back to our class. Once everything was back into our classroom we went back to our normal class routine.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Poetry Recital
Today after morning tea myself, Maranatha and Heilala performed our poem in front of the whole school. It was very frustrating waiting for other classes to recite their poem, but when Mr Meyer announced our names we nervously walked up onto the stage. I think that my classmates both tried their best and put a lot of progress in their poem.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Our Cross Country
On Wednesday we had our cross country race. Mrs Pederson called us to start our run. When we started I was so nervous I couldn't move at all. I felt so exhausted after my first lap but I still kept my pace and ran until the end. I thought that everyone tried very hard at cross country.
Friday, 2 September 2016
On Wednesday after fitness our class had to go to the court and wait for our coach. When he arrived we started off with a warm up which was just running up and down the court. After that we learnt how to dribble, scissors and jumping back and forth. We all had a very fun time learning how to play real basketball.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Mini Olympics
Today we started our school' s Mini Olympics. The seniors were split into 16 groups representing 16 countries. I am in group Australia with Gloria, Matali and Tupou. We had to split up into different classrooms and create slides.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
I Can't Believe I'm Going To Vector Arena
Last Week Athens, Azahar, Lupe and me were chosen from our class to go to the Vector Arena!!! .We had so much fun that we didn't want to leave Vector. The manager took us for a tour to show us what they actually do - we went to so many different rooms that it was like a maze. At the end of the tour we finally went back to the Basketball Room to have our wonderful morning tea. While we were having morning tea they were handing out prizes at the same time. Some from Room Nine and Ten received one and so did I and sadly that was the end of our tour.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Our Syndicate Assembly
Today we hosted the syndicate assembly. We started planning on Friday and practicing on Monday so we only had two days to finish the entire thing. Once we practiced all our scripts we were ready to roll. Everything was running smoothly just like how we rehearsed it. But the thing was not everybody understood our version of Family Feud. When I was counting the total score for each class I was shocked to see Room 9 1st place, followed by Room 10, then Room 12, and lastly Room 11. Now everyone knows how Room 12 plays Family Feud.
2016 Ruapotaka,
Class Feud,
Room 12,
Syndicate Assembly
Friday, 6 May 2016
Back To School
Today was the first day back at school.When the bell rang everyone sat down in front of Room 1 waiting for Mrs Vickers. Once Mrs Vickers arrived she talked about why the roofs weren't ready because of certain difficulties. After Mrs Vickers left we walked sensibly to our fitness.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Our Liquid Art Experiment
A few weeks ago our class started our third science experiment with Room 11. First of all we wrote down what we needed to prepare our swirling art. After we prepared what we needed Mr Reid told us to wait outside for our equipment. Once we added all the ingredients we observed the experiment happen.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Our Duffy Assembly
Last Friday our school had a visitor called Ravinda. She told us about her job, why we have to read and she read us a script from her job. She handed out Duffy books for a person from each classroom. At the end we were lucky enough to get a photo with her.
Friday, 18 March 2016
My Presentation About Myself
Last Week we created a Google Slide about our hobbies, appearances and favourite food.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
The Softball Team
Friday, 26 February 2016
Celebrity Show Awards
Friday, 19 February 2016
The Amazing Duffy Show
Today after morning tea our whole school watched an exciting 2016 Duffy Show. Once we arrived at the multi-purpose they were singing a song before they started their play. After we were seated the performance started. The three performers played the characters: Duffy, Ruby and the Dad.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Yesterday afternoon we had tabloids. After the bell everyone had to meet up outside the staffroom to get split up into our groups. All the teachers bought a vegetable to the tabloids for the five plus a day challenge. Everybody had to play their activities in the shade because it was far too hot. My favourite activity was Mrs Riley's because we had to to hold the potato without using our hands.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Becoming A Prefect
Yesterday at assembly Mrs Vickers announced who will be prefects for 2016. Our class and Room 11 was anxious including myself. Once I heard my name called up with two boys from Room 11. When I received my badge along with the notice for my parents.
After assembly some teachers congratulated me and I was relieved that I had someone to help me through things.
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